LISTENING IN: The strangest Christmas song yet

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I don’t want to be a Grinch, but after too many years on this planet to mention I must concede that the usual Christmas songs that begin to permeate many aspects of life, starting far too early in November I might add, tend to wear on me. So, imagine my surprise at actually hearing something new (well, 2017).

I had occasion recently to find myself in an amazing bar slash music venue in Lexington, Kentucky, called The Burl, watching a band called the Steep Canyon Rangers (SCR) – an impressive, infectious bluegrass outfit that I soon learned had garnered some fame as a backing band for comedian Steve Martin, who moonlights as a banjo player of some renown beyond (and sometimes in conjunction) with his day job as a wild and crazy guy.

So, now the surprise: as I tootled through YouTube in search of suitable SCR bluegrass bonanza to share, I found this instead – and just in time for my favourite musical time of year.

It’s a true Christmas gift indeed! Enjoy (and yes that’s my boys SCR is the background).


Every year the wife and I lay out the welcome mat
For all the in-laws far and wide and our third cousin, Jack
We trim the tree and hang the wreath and every time forget
That what comes through our door each year
Is the strangest Christmas yet
Two full days fore Christmas Eve, grandma comes by car
With a pumpkin pie that she had baked that tastes like her cigar
She pulls up in a pickup truck with crazy Uncle Don
He parks it where he does each year, right on our front lawn

It’s the strangest Christmas yet, so strange
Strangest Christmas yet, Wooo
It’ll take some time to forget the strangest Christmas yet

Oh lookie here the children dear have built a roaring fire
Too bad it’s in our driveway and with a stolen tire
Then came time for photographs the camera’s set to strobe
And I said to Uncle Bob, “You wanna close your robe?”
Cousin Billy likes his guns, and naturally he came armed
He’s on the lookout for invaders from the planet Zarn
Uncle Teddy put on weight, he’d gotten rather large
We couldn’t take him through the door, he stayed in the garage

It’s the strangest Christmas yet, how strange
Strangest Christmas yet, really strange
It’ll take some time to forget the strangest Christmas yet

We blessed the food in different faiths that seemed to number seven
And say a prayer that with just some help just might get to heaven
Then from the garage we hear a sound that makes us ache
Uncle Teddy with a voice so pure that your heart would break
“Joy to the world” he knows no other line
“Joy to the world” he sings it one more time
“Joy to the world” we here it once again

We all take hands and quiet down and let it all sink in
I take him out a plate of food and thank him for the song
He says so sorry that I might’ve got the words a little wrong
We tip our glasses, give a hug, and toast to Christmas cheer
And count the months until we get to see them all next year

It’s the strangest Christmas yet, we love it
Strangest Christmas yet, can’t wait till next year
It’ll take some time to forget the strangest Christmas yet
Hey put down that spatula!
Take some time to forget the strangest Christmas yet

First published at Travel Industry Today

First published at – Global Travel News