SOMETHING IN THE AIR: ACTA golf seizes industry zeitgeist

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There was something in the air this year at ACTA’s annual golf tournament in on Thursday, no doubt fuelled by the back-to-business energy of industry attendees, even as two key ACTA execs were forced to stay home after testing positive for COVID-10 – proving the pandemic ain’t done with us yet.

Nevertheless, close to 160 participants turned out for the event (golf and dinner) at the Royal Ontario club in Milton, Ont., some coming in “from all over the country.”

One of them, Trevello’s (TPI) Zeina Gedeon, who arrived from Montreal, laughed that she actually hates golf, but felt it was an event she couldn’t miss.

Another, said that participating in the tournament previously was carefully weighed against invariably busy work schedules, but now, “you just have to be here.”

Ron Lonsdale of Collette was just one of many who couldn’t help but sense the vivacious vibe, declaring, “What a great day.”

ACTA’s Fiona Bowen, and Katherina Thilavanh

For many, seeing friends and colleagues for the first time in a couple of years was paramount.

“It’s nice to see so many smiles,” said one.

This year’s tournament was the first since 2020, last year’s cancelled due to, well, you know…

And unlike that last affair, this one boasted picture-perfect weather, while bubbling with energy – from the mini-Caribbean carnival at Antigua-Barbuda’s sponsored whole and an on-course Bajan rum bar, to two impromptu ovation-worthy singing performances (one of them an operatic aria) at the awards ceremony.

Prizes were at a premium as well, both on course and off, with title sponsor Air Canada notably giving away several trip prizes, as did the Antigua-Barbuda tourism board.

Jennifer Waver of sponsor Manulife – one of 30 on the day! – captured the zeitgeist, reporting that the insurance company is “closing more and more bookings” every day, and urging agents and industry members to “seize the moment!”

Indeed, Carla Brake of Globus family of brands, added, “Everybody in this room deserves a big cheer – we weathered the (pandemic) storm.”

She added that “ACTA deserves a big round of applause” for putting on such a stellar, well-organized event.

First published at Travel Industry Today

First published at – Global Travel News